This page displays a Morse clock. It converts standard time to Morse time, where numerals are represented by morse code:
Standard (24 hours) clock
Morse clock
Morse Time
Samuel Morse (1791 – 1872) was the inventor of a single-wire telegraph system and Morse code. Morse code is a type of character encoding that uses a sequence of short and long elements to represent letters, numerals, punctuation and other characters in a message. The short and long elements (usually sounds or pulses) are known as “dots” and “dashes” or “dits” and “dahs”.
The morse codes used for numerals are:
0 = – – – – –
1 = . – – – –
2 = . . – – –
3 = . . . – –
4 = . . . . –
5 = . . . . .
6 = – . . . .
7 = – – . . .
8 = – – – . .
9 = – – – – .
The Morse clock uses a | to separate hours, minutes and seconds.
Other interesting but silly clocks can be found here: SillyClocks