Stupidity Quotient (SQ test)

An IQ test tells you how intelligent you are. An SQ test tells you how stupid you are.

Being stupid is not the opposite of being intelligent. You can have a high IQ and still be quite stupid, which is reflected by a high Stupidity Quotient (SQ).

With an SQ of 100, half the world population is stupider than you. With an SQ of 115, only 15% of the world population is stupider than you, which means you are more stupid than the other 85%.

Here is a simple and free SQ test.

SQ Test

Just answer ten easy questions about yourself, then click the “Test my SQ” button.


Setting off fireworks

Drinking alcohol

Having tattoos

Believing in something (gods, spirits, astrology)

Having guns

Using drugs


Keeping fit

Preferred looks

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