Metric Clock

This page displays a metric clock. It converts standard time to metric time:

Standard (24 hours) clock

Metric clock

Metric Time or Decimal Time

Our time keeping is not up-to-date. Whenever we measure something (length, area, volume, weight) most of us use a decimalized (base 10) system: the metric system. Except when we measure time.

For time keeping we use a “minkukel” approach with twenty four hours per day, sixty minutes per hour, and sixty seconds per minute. This is a sexagesimal (base 60) numeral system.

The only reason for not using a metric time system is that switching would give us a big headache and it would take years to get adjusted to it. The same reason why some minkukels still use ounces, miles and gallons.

But let’s see how it would be if you were wearing a metric watch. The length of a day depends on the rotation of the earth, so a day is still a day. But within the day we will have to change the length of hours, minutes and seconds to a base 10 system.

Time Metric Time
24 hours per day 10 hours per day
60 minutes per hour 100 minutes per hour
1,440 minutes per day 1,000 minutes per day
60 seconds per minute 100 seconds per minute
3,600 seconds per hour 10,000 seconds per hour
86,400 seconds per day 100,000 seconds per day

How does metric time relate to “normal” time. Metric seconds are a bit shorter because we have slightly more of them in a day. Minutes will be longer, and metric hours are much longer than what we are used to. Here is a table converting time to metric time.

Time versus Metric time
1 metric second
= 0.864 “normal” second
1 metric minute = 1.44 “normal” minute
1 metric hour = 2.4 “normal” hour

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