For a true Minkukel, the following words should sound familiar. Who can help me complete this list? Click here to send me a message.
- Absurd
- Addle-head, addlehead
- Addle-headed
- Addlebrained
- Addlepated
- Airhead
- Airheaded
- Around the bend
- Asinine
- Ass
- Backward
- Balmy
- Barmy
- Bats
- Batty
- Befuddle-headed
- Befuddled
- Berk
- Birdbrain
- Birdbrained
- Blockhead
- Blockheaded
- Blunderer
- Bonehead
- Boneheaded
- Bonkers
- Boob
- Boobish
- Booby
- Bozo
- Brainless
- Brainlessly
- Brainsick
- Bubblehead
- Buffoon
- Buffoonish
- Charlie
- Chowderhead
- Chump
- Civil servant
- Clod
- Clodhopper
- Clown
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Confused
- Crackbrained
- Cracked
- Crackpot
- Cranks
- Crazy
- Cretin
- Cretinous
- Cuckoo
- Daffy
- Daft
- Dazed
- Delusional
- Demented
- Dense
- Deranged
- Dim-witted, dimwitted
- Dimwit
- Dingbat
- Dippy
- Dipshit
- Dipstick
- Ditzy
- Doddering
- Doddery
- Dolt
- Doltish
- Donkey
- Doofus
- Dope
- Dopey
- Dork
- Dotard
- Dotty
- Duffer
- Dufus
- Dull
- Dull-witted
- Dullard
- Dullardly
- Dumb
- Dumb ox
- Dumb-ass, dumbass
- Dumbbell, dumb-bell
- Dumbo
- Dummy
- Dunce
- Dunderhead
- Empty-head
- Empty-headed
- Fathead
- Fatuous
- Featherbrained
- Feckless
- Feeble-minded, feebleminded
- Fool
- Foolhardy
- Foolish
- Fruitcake
- Fruity
- Fuckwit
- Gaga
- Galoot
- Gawk
- Git
- Goof
- Goofball
- Goon
- Goose
- Gooselike
- Goosey
- Goosy
- Gormless
- Gowk
- Half-baked
- Half-witted
- Halfwit
- Halfwit, half-wit
- Harebrained
- Idiocy
- Idiot
- Idiotic
- Ignoramus
- Ignorant
- Imbecile
- Imbecilic
- Inane
- Incompetent
- Inept
- Ineptitude
- Insane
- Insipid
- Jackass
- Jerk
- Jon Snow
- Jughead
- Know nothing
- Lame-brained
- Lamebrain
- Loco
- Loon
- Loonie
- Lout
- Lubber
- Ludicrous
- Lummox
- Lunatic
- Mad
- Meathead, meat-head
- Mentally challenged
- Mentally retarded
- Meshuga, meshugga, meshugge, meshuggah
- Mind-numbing
- Mindless
- Minkukel
- Mooncalf
- Moron
- Moronic
- Muddle
- Muddleheaded
- Nerd
- Nincompoop
- Ninny
- Ninnyhammer
- Nitwit
- Nobody
- Nonentity
- Nong
- Noodle
- Numbskull
- Nut
- Nut case
- Nutcase
- Nutter
- Nutty
- Nutty as a fruitcake
- Oaf
- Obtuse
- Out to lunch
- Pea-brain
- Pillock
- Pinhead
- Plonker
- Poop
- Poor fish
- Prat
- Preposterous
- Pudden-head
- Pudding head
- Puddingheaded
- Quirky
- Quixotic
- Retard
- Ridiculous
- Scatterbrained
- Screwball
- Senile
- Senseless
- Senselessly
- Silly
- Silly thing
- Simp
- Simple
- Simple-minded
- Simpleton
- Slow
- Slow-witted
- Smoker
- Soft in the head
- Softheaded
- Stumblebum
- Stupefied
- Stupid
- Thick
- Tomfool
- Trump
- Turkey
- Underhead
- Unintelligent
- Unthinking
- Vacantly
- Vacuous
- Wacky
- Weird
- Weirdie
- Weirdo
- Weirdy
- Whacko
- Witless
- Woolly-headed
- Xtraordinary stupid
- Yo-yo
- Zany
- Zero
- Zombi, zombie
- Zonked
Quite a list. There is also an ABC of stupidity. Now have a look at these proverbs and quotes about stupidity.